لوحة رائعة للتشكيلية جاناريتا عرموطي/ An amazing painting by the artist Janarita Armotti

لوحة رائعة للتشكيلية جاناريتا عرموطي/ An amazing painting by the artist Janarita Armotti
If you want to be more creative by translating
what you have in your memory into visual
language you have to use your emotions instead
of your mind, so this is the relationship between
…art and madness
what you have in your memory into visual
language you have to use your emotions instead
of your mind, so this is the relationship between
…art and madness
Artist Janaritta Armooti

الفنانة التشكيلية جاناريتا عرموطي/ Artist Janaritta Armooti