الرئيسية / فنون / جاناريتا العرموطي Janaritta Armooti:Ambiguity is precisely what gives a sense of mystery to a work of a

جاناريتا العرموطي Janaritta Armooti:Ambiguity is precisely what gives a sense of mystery to a work of a










جاناريتا العرموطي

Janaritta Armooti:Ambiguity is precisely what gives a sense of mystery to a work of art


“Ambiguity is precisely what gives a sense of mystery to a work of art, and mystery is necessary for art to transcend its creator”
Janaritta Armooti

Finding a meaning in art is a personal experience that is engulfed with ambiguity and a sense of mystery. Deconstruction theory states that any text or artistic representation could convey more than one meaning, suggesting that spectators do expand their visualization of art to see a reflection of their thoughts and subconscious. There is no right or wrong way to imagine, design, or produce art-the most important thing is individual preference. I completed this painting in 2018 using oil and acrylic colors on canvas. The first thing that attracts the viewers to the painting is the mixture of techniques from cubism, surrealism and post- impressionism, in addition to mixing oil with acrylic through the dominant use of purple and orange. However, what gives this piece a deeper meaning is the use of binary oppositions through contrasts such as black and white, male and female, and warm and cold colors. To deconstruct this painting, one must refer to the most dominant binary opposition- the images of the two faces in black and white-portrayed as direct compliments placed adjacent to one another. One side of the main female figure is drawn in lighter colors consisting of orange, yellow and purple which are believed to be more associated with the physical world. In contrast, the second half of the figure reveals the existence of the subconscious or a sense of spirituality through the use of opposite colors that could reflect happiness and sadness, or good and evil


جاناريتا العرموطي Janaritta Armooti



عن Xalid Derik

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